Creating happier work spaces



    One of the key Maverick guides in our organization from Foundation, Dr Ambreen Virk Grewal, she has completed her PhD from Panjab University in emotional quotient.

    So in my long sittings with her and understanding her study, we realized that emotional quotient is something which is even more important than having a big degree or a or a high IQ.

    We realized how organizations need to be happier places and how it will help employees generate happy emotions and increase work productivity. So working on the guidance of Dr Ambreen Virk, we created a program in which we interact with the organizations definitely and offer them a program in which our experts meet them we have discussions and consult them in filling little gaps of everyday happy moments.

    These gaps how can make the life of employee more meaningful in workplace, how
    can customers benefit more and it how communication can be made more positive so making little changes in appearance in in in the communication and the HR rules in the way the organizations work can definitely make a happier place.

    A big thank to Dr Ambreen Virk, whose wisdom created this new vertical in our Foundation of creating happier workspaces and this is one key service we provide lot of organizations.

    In the last three months we have interacted with more than 25 organizations who have taken our services in in their own ways and how they think they can be customized as per their needs so please do connect with us if you think you need to make your office space more happier working space.
